sexta-feira, 15 de junho de 2012

The opening of my exhibition at the COR.Galeria de arte - The great evening

Wow! It was a great evening! It was over my expectations!.
Thanks to all of you, who came to my exhibition to celebrate with me. Thanks to Marina Marshall Baldini (COR.Galeria de arte), who organized everything with her baby boy Carlos, such delicious wine! Thanks to Ciro (DJ ORIC) for the music - my climates! I was lucky to choosing him!
You all made this evening AMAZING! Thanks a lot. I'm double happy :-

quinta-feira, 14 de junho de 2012

Today is my day

What is done is done. The painting for the project "Tainhas na rede" and paintings for my exhibition are done. Believe me, it was not easy with two kids, especially with my little one. Thanks to my husband.
Today is my day. Today is the opening of my individual exhibition at the COR.Galeria de arte - 7pm. I'm going to celebrate.
I'm expecting you. I know, that some of you can't come, because it's to far. But I thank you for such nice e-mails and congrats.

quarta-feira, 13 de junho de 2012

The first issue of the ''Art Office''

Hoje, dia 13 de junho, às 19hs , será lançado o "Jornal Cultural Art Office".
Distribuição gratuita e assuntos como literatura, arte, arquitetura, design, desenho de superfície, e muito mais.
Rua das Algas, 733.Jurerê Internacional.

terça-feira, 12 de junho de 2012

"Frida & Diego"

Today my painting "Frida & Diego" is in the Contra Versão by Marcos Espíndola. I just heard "it is great to be there". So, lucky me!:)

domingo, 10 de junho de 2012

Having fun at the "Gallery Night"

It was a great night, when all artists, who participate in in the art project " Tainhas na rede" could meet and talk, drinking a lot of red wine...

quinta-feira, 7 de junho de 2012

"Gallery Night"

Nesta sexta-feira dia 8,
a partir das 17 horas, no Jurerê Open Shopping em Florianópolis,
com a participação de 28 artistas expondo suas obras.

Venha participar do Wine Tur & Arte

terça-feira, 5 de junho de 2012

Me in Diario Catarinense

''Diario Catarinense'' - column by Juliana Wosgraus. Photo by Rogério Amêndola.
Everything is fine, just I'm not Dutch;) But for Brazilians it doesn't matter - I'm European:)

segunda-feira, 4 de junho de 2012

Invitation to my exhibition - COR Galeria - 14/06/12

My individual exhibition - 14/06/12 at 7 pm in COR Galeria de arte,
rod. Jose Carlos Daux (SC-401), 7135
fone: (48) 3232 5620; 9615 1227


Invitation to my exhibition - COR Galeria - 14/06/12

Welcome! Bem-vindo!

domingo, 3 de junho de 2012

Work in progress ''Tainhas na rede''- Impermeabilizante

Impermeabilizante - waterproofing. Such a difficult word in Portuguese. I needed a couple of days to waterproof my artwork and at last I learnt how to pronounce it...

sábado, 2 de junho de 2012

Something more about the art project ''Tainhas na rede'' and artists who participate in it

Tainha - mullet (in English). it is a common fish here. Right now there is a largest catch of these fish. There are some events and festivals because of that. Flavia Tronca (artist painter), the curator of ''Tainhas na rede'', organized it well with all details. She invited to this project 28 artists.
Artists who participate in ''Tainhas na rede'':
1.Tereza Martorano
2. Marinela Goulart
3. Joelson Bugila
4. Mauro Costa
5. Raul Stahnke Neto
6. Valdir Agostinho
7. Vinícius Basso
8. Alexandre Beck
9. Alexandre Freire
10. Anita Damas
11. Augustin de Lassus
12. Ely Albernaz
13. Eliane De Zorzi
14. Galvão Bertazzi
15. George Peixoto
16. Guilherme Dobes
17. Luciano Martins
18. Elias Andrade – Indio
19. Nestor Jr.
20. Pedro Healy
21. Digo Tertschitsch
22. Rodrigo Rizo
23. Thiago Furtado
25. Daniel Barcellos Ellwanger
26. Aurélio Machado
27. João Vejam
28. Marcelo Hübner

sexta-feira, 1 de junho de 2012

Work in progress '''Tainhas na rede'' - almost finished

It is almost done. It will be on the street for a couple of weeks, so now, I have to protect it well from the rain...